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Terms & Conditions
Meadowhall Centre 1999 Ltd., Sheffield S9 1EP. A wholly-owned subsidiary of The British Land Company PLC. Registered Office: York House, 45 Seymour St, London W1H 7LX, Registered in England No. 3918066
1. Definitions
1.1. Any references to ‘Meadowhall’, ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’ shall all be to Meadowhall Centre 1999 Limited.
1.2. Any reference to the ‘User’, ‘you’ or ‘your’ means to any person (including a private individual or corporate entity) who has registered to the Meadowhall website and/or who has taken advantage of any offers contained within the website.
1.3. Any reference to the ‘Username’ means the user identification provided by us to you to enable you to access certain Services (defined below).
1.4. Any reference to the ‘Content’ means any and all information, available to you, contained on the website and/or email communications from Meadowhall.
1.5. Any reference to the ‘Password’ means the password provided to you by us or any subsequent password chosen by you to enable you to access the Services.
1.6. Any reference to the ‘Services’ means the provision of the offers, rewards and benefits and any other content through the Meadowhall website.
1.8 Any reference to ‘Your Information’ means all personal information about you or relating to you which we obtain from you or third parties and which we learn from the way you use and manage your account(s).
1.9 Any reference to ‘Privacy Statement’ means the privacy statement available on the Meadowhall website at
2. Residence / Eligibility
2.1. These pages are issued in the United Kingdom (UK) and are intended for access and use by residents in the UK.
2.2. Meadowhall do not make any warranties, express or implied, that the Content and the Services or the availability of the same in any particular jurisdiction outside the UK is compliant with applicable local laws or regulations or that the Content can be legitimately used outside the UK.
2.3. You, the User, must satisfy yourself, before using the Services, that you are lawfully entitled to receive the Content and use the Services. Meadowhall do not accept any liability for any costs, losses or damages whatsoever resulting from or related to the availability of the Content and use of the Services in respect of persons in jurisdictions outside the UK or to persons who are nominees or trustees for citizens, residents or nationals of other countries.
2.4. Meadowhall reserves the right to refuse any application for the Services without disclosing any reason.
3. Registration / Security Precautions / Operating Rules
3.1. By registering you details on the Meadowhall website, you accept these conditions and agree that we may communicate with you by e-mail, use of digital technologies and/or through the Meadowhall website.
3.2. Not all of the Services may be available immediately or at the same time. You can find out which are available to you by viewing the Meadowhall website.
3.3. In order to obtain access to the Services you must register with us. You can only register by completing registration process which will be delivered via the Meadowhall website electronically using a secure link.
3.4. When you access the Services for the first time, you will be prompted to choose a Password. You must memorise your Password and must not disclose them to anyone, including a member of Meadowhall staff. You should not record your Password in such a way that they can be identified with any of your product(s) or can be understood by anyone else. You should not store your Username and Password on your computer.
3.5. If you believe that someone else knows your Password we recommend you go to the Meadowhall website and change it as soon as you can. If you fail to do so, we will not, be responsible for any person having access to Your Information or any loss suffered by you. Alternatively, you may contact Careline on 0333 313 2000.
3.6. You must make use of the Content and the Services solely for your own purpose as a User and must not make the Services available to third parties without the prior consent of Meadowhall.
3.7. You must not access or attempt to access personal information which relates to any person other than Your Information which relates to you as a User. It is an offence under section 55 of the Data Protection Act 1998 (’Section 55’) to access any personal information by means of the Services other than Your Information relating to you as a User. If we have reason to believe that an attempt has been made to access any personal information through the Services in breach of Section 55, we may revoke your access in accordance with Clause 4.3 below. We may also report our suspicions to the Information Commissioner’s Office (the supervisory authority which enforces and oversees the Data Protection Act 1998) and/or the police.
3.8. You must log-out of these pages or the Meadowhall website you have accessed and close your web browser when you have finished using the Services.
4. Availability of the Services
4.1. We reserve the right to change the information, presentation, performance, User facilities and availability of any part of the Content and the way in which the Services are provided at any time at our sole discretion and without prior notice.
4.2. Meadowhall do not make any warranty or representation that the Services can be accessed at all times during the hours of business stated on the Meadowhall website which you are registering for. The Services may be temporarily unavailable or restricted for administrative or other reasons. Meadowhall shall not have any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the loss of use of the Services.
4.3. Without prejudice to the foregoing, we reserve the right to revoke your access to the Content and/or the Services without notice if:
4.3.1. You key in the incorrect Password on successive log-on attempts; or
4.3.2. We suspect that an unauthorised person is attempting to access the Content and/or the Services; or
4.3.3. For valid operational reasons, we believe it is necessary to do so.
5. Third party offers
5.1 From time to time, we may provide you with the opportunity to benefit from certain promotions and offers operated by third parties as part of the Services (“Offers”). Any such Offers will have their own applicable terms and conditions which you will be required to enter into and comply with if you wish to gain any benefit from such Offers.
5.2. Offers available as part of the Services may change or be withdrawn at any time. Where reasonably possible, we will source alternative offers on your behalf but we are not obliged to do so.
5.3. The third party operating any Offer which forms part of the Services (the “Supplier”) shall be responsible for making you aware of the terms and conditions applicable to that Offer. The Supplier shall be solely responsible for the fulfilment of the Offer and Meadowhall shall not have any liability under or in respect of an Offer or in relation to the goods or services supplied as part of an Offer whatsoever.
5.4 In the event that you have any complaints or queries relating to an Offer, a Supplier of any products or services provided by a Supplier as part of an Offer, you must direct such complaints and queries to the Supplier direct, not to us. The Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring that your complaint or query is resolved reasonably, quickly and efficiently.
6. Intellectual property
6.1. Any intellectual property rights vesting in the Meadowhall Services, the Content and any promotional materials relating to the Services and/or Offers belong to Meadowhall or its licensors as appropriate. You have no rights to reproduce, adapt or exploit any such intellectual property rights or any part(s) thereof without our express prior written consent.
7. Downloading of Software
7.1. Any software is downloaded at your own risk. Meadowhall do not warrant as to the suitability of any such software that is downloaded, nor do Meadowhall accept any liability for any problems with your computer that may arise as a result. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of software to be downloaded for your computer, it is recommended that you obtain specialist advice before downloading.
8. Changes to these Terms and Conditions
8.1. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions without prior notice and you will be automatically notified of any such change online when you next log-on which will require clicking for your acceptance of the changes. We also reserve the right to change the access requirements without prior notice where this change reflects best recommended practice.
9. E-mail
9.1. We do send emails as part of the Meadowhall Service, and these are dealt with in accordance with our Privacy Statement available on the Meadowhall website.
10. Use of Personal Data
10.1. Your Information which is provided to us will be used by us in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and our Privacy Statement available on the Meadowhall website.
11. Termination
11.1. Meadowhall may terminate this agreement and revoke the User’s access to Meadowhall Services without notice if:
11.1.1. The User is in breach of any of these terms and conditions, and/or the Privacy Statement OR
11.1.2. The User is, in the reasonable opinion of Meadowhall, in breach of any generally accepted guidelines on internet usage and etiquette (including, but without prejudice to the foregoing generality, restrictions on pirating or copying software or attempts to violate security).
12. Waiver
12.1. If either party fails to exercise any right or remedy under these terms and conditions, this shall not prevent them from doing so at any time in the future.
13. Notices
13.1. All notices which are required to be given shall be in writing and shall be sent to the email address of the recipient set out in the registration process or such other email address as the recipient may designate by changing their email through the Meadowhall website.
13.2. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been served at the time the transmission is electronically confirmed.
14 General Disclaimers
14.1. While we have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the Content contained within the pages of the Meadowhall Shopping venue website is accurate, current and complies with relevant UK legislation and regulations as at the date of issue, errors or omissions may occur due to circumstances outside our control.
14.2. To the fullest extent permissible by law, Meadowhall, exclude all liability (whether in negligence or otherwise) in relation to the Content of these online pages or the descriptions of the goods and services contained on them. We shall have no obligation to take any proceedings on your behalf, or fund any action you may bring, against a Supplier.
14.3. We produce these online pages and advertise the goods and services or Offers listed in these pages for your benefit. None of the goods or services advertised in these online pages are offered for sale to you by us. Any contract which is concluded for the purchase of those goods or services or Offers advertised on Meadowhall website or for the use of the services offered will be between you and the relevant supplier and Meadowhall shall not have any liability under or in respect of that contract or in relation to the goods or services supplied whatsoever.
14.4. Meadowhall shall not be deemed to be in breach of this agreement, or otherwise be liable to you, by reason of any delay in performance or non-performance of any of our obligations under this agreement to the extent that such delay or non-performance is due to any cause beyond our reasonable control including but not limited to the acts, defaults or omissions of Suppliers or sub-contractors or strike, lockout or other form of industrial action.
14.5. This agreement sets out the entire agreement and understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings or arrangements (oral or written) in respect of the subject matter of this agreement. Each party acknowledges that it has entered into this Agreement in reliance only upon the representations, warranties and promises specifically contained or incorporated in this agreement and, save as expressly set out in this agreement, each party shall have no liability in respect of any other representation, warranty or promise made prior to the date of this agreement unless it was made fraudulently.
14.6. All exclusions and/or limitations on liability set out in these terms and conditions shall not apply to liability for death, personal injury, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, where no such exclusions or limitations on liability shall apply.
15. Governing Law
15.1. These terms and conditions are governed by English law and each of the parties irrevocably submits for all purposes in connection with this agreement to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
16. Competitions
16.1. All entrants must be resident in the UK and aged 18 years or over.
16.2. Employees of the Meadowhall Centre and their immediate families, their agents or anyone professionally connected with the draw are not permitted to enter.
16.3. Entry to the competition is free.
16.4. No equivalent to the prizes, cash or otherwise will be offered.
16.5. The prize consists of the desciption listed under the competitions listing on the Offers tab.
16.6. Enter the prize draw online.
16.7. The closing date for entry is displayed under the competition listing on the Offers tab
16.8. The winner will be contacted the same day of the prize draw.
16.9. Only one prize can be won per entry.
16.10. Privacy policy can be viewed online at
16.11.The result of the draw is final. No correspondence will be entered into. Promoter: Meadowhall Centre, Sheffield, S9 1EP. DO NOT SEND ENTRIES TO THIS ADDRESS.